Saturday, January 22, 2011

survived my first week

Hello Saturday!
Well my first week of school is over...whew! It actually wasn't all that bad just more overwhelmed by how unorganized everything is. I've never claimed to be a "well organized" person but when it comes to my school stuff I like to have things in a certain order and be able to make sense of my so called "organized mess". The nursing program is a whole new ball park to play in and everyone keeps saying "you'll get the hang of it", "it will all start to fall together eventually." Well listen...I would really appreciate it if it "fell together" like NOW. There is SO much information its ridiculous, and I'm not even talking about educational information, I'm talking information on how the class is ran, how clinics are supposed to be, how my teacher has a meeting to go to and her little boy drives her crazy at home, how we are supposed to be "go-getters" and apparently not enjoy our breaks in between semesters and also it's clear that as a nurse are number one concern is patient care/safety and who cares that we are killing a million trees in the process because heaven forbid a syllabus be anything less than 20 pages.
Well now that I've got that off my chest lets focus on the good...I had my first day at my clinical site : ) Granted it was just orientation but nonetheless I finally had clinical. You have no idea how long I've waited to be at this point! So we were supposed to be at the hospital at 6:30a therefore set my alarm at 4:30a (gross!) I worked the night before, didn't get home until around 11:30, watched some tv with Jeremy since I hadn't seen him all day, went to bed around 12:30 and wouldn't you know I woke up probably twice an hour looking at the clock waiting for it to say 4:30. It is one of the most annoying things to wake up with the feeling  that you are going to be running late and find out that it's way earlier than what you thought it would be. It's like why can't I just sleep! So 4:30 finally rolled around, Jeremy being the good husband he is set the coffee pot timer for me but the sad thing is as I was driving and took the last sip from my mug I thought to myself that I should  have gotten up a little earlier so that I could have drank more coffee. Yes I realize that makes no sense but hey this is my life, nothing really makes sense! So before I bore you to death I sat through eight hours of orientation, nothing exciting happened other than I thought I was going to pass out when our instructor took us into the med room on the floor that we will be working on. I don't know what happened but the room was so stuffy and hot that when we walked out I got light headed and seriously considered asking  to walk outside to get some fresh air. Luckily I calmed myself down by taking some deep breaths and fanned myself off with a piece of paper.
All in all not a bad first week! I'm so ready to get this ball going and get in the thick of it all. I am a nerd and love the stress of school!
So if anyone is still reading this, please do not poke your eyeballs out : ) I live quite the exciting life, my posts are bound to get better than this. HA!
Have a great weekend : )

1 comment:

  1. haha i hate thee waking up like every hour cause your going to be late! no fun! im so glad it went well tho; minus the passing out part! :)
